TEN’s Organism

[the body]


[crossroads archive]

How to get Involved

[fugitive assemblage]


[translocal calendar]

Dung Beetles

[ten artifacts]

In 2022 ten invited seven incredible people from around the world to come together and lead the work for nine months. They served in a role we affectionately dubbed the “Dung Beetles” since the idea was that they would be rolling around dung ball questions like: “What is ten’s work to do?” and “How shall we do it?” The Dung Beetles committed to shared leadership in order to create the conditions for the next iteration of ten to be more locally-rooted, practically & audaciously experimental, and to rehabilitate exiled capacities in our rapidly collapsing systems.

Dung Beetles: ten Metaphors

During the final three months in their tenure as Dung Beetles, these busy insects generated two distinct metaphors to help guide and frame the next iteration of the network. The first was the metaphor of the Cell, in which we looked at ten through the lens of a single plant cell, identifying both the current organelles and elements as well as incorporating in the aspirational elements of the underground community of practice, seasonal festivals and semi-autonomous project pods. The second was the metaphor of the Underground, using the various strata and other elements of the Earth to more deeply understand ten’s longings to remain a subterranean entity, even as the network longed to grow in mycelial way. 


The following diagram weaves the Cell metaphor with the ten structure, roles, individuals and potential projects:

Mitochondria: energy generation – currency of founding vision, ideas & money (Báyò)

Nucleus: orchestrating cellular purpose – administration, stewarding vision, communication, coordinating across teams (Core Team)

Nucleolus: embedded in nucleus/ribosome biogenesis – a key element of the nucleus needed to materialize and synthesize actions (Aerin)

Cytoskeleton: maintain structure and shape of the cell/actin microfilaments – the cellular framework holding space for ten’s vision and purpose in the world (Advisory Council)

Cytoplasm: fluid bathing all cellular organelles – passive diffusion of culture, ideas, insights and informal communication (organizational culture)

Ribosomes in Cytoplasm: cytoplasmic protein synthesis – proteins are the workhouse molecules of the cell (in-house ideas/visions from the Core Team, Advisory Council and other members)

Cell/Plasma Membrane: semipermeable lipid bilayer – separates the inner workings from the outside world; inner membrane is the boundary/container for inner workings of ten; outer membrane interfaces with the outside world (ten’s website, social media and newsletter: our digital presence in the world)

Membrane Channel Proteins: Membership portal

Cytoskeleton: microtubules – regulate cell growth and movement, transport of cellular components (Underground Community of Practice)

ER: protein and lipid synthesis (Semi-Autonomous Pods/Circles invited into ten or selected to participate in a seasonal call)

Golgi Complex: protein maturation (Mentor Team to develop project ideas of semi-autonomous pod stewards)

Vacuoles: specialized lysosomes – temporary containers that form through fusion of vesicles; main role is to process waste or toxins (special pop-up teams/consultants brought in for a specific purpose: ritual, rejuvenation, care team, outside facilitation, etc.)

Lysosome: phagocytosis and autophagy – digestive system of the cell for both externally acquired nutrients, and degradation & recycling of internal components (Ritual Team: composting of seasonal projects, ideas that have fulfilled their purpose)


The other metaphor that was developed to offer guidance and clarity to The Emergence Network coming out of the Dung Beetle phase was that of the Underground:

Microbes | Core Team – General coordination of different parts, day-to-day tasks, administration, decision-making in response to the needs of the other layers and the whole system, stewardship and care for the many strata. 

Compost | People Coming and Going  People that enter the ten-sphere from plant offerings, and become friends, collaborators, supporters, colleagues.

Plants | Offerings to the World – Events / gatherings / festivals / courses. These are the seasonal, above-ground, visible invitations to make sanctuary.

Roots | Advisory Council – Direction/big picture & vision/fundraising 

TopSoil | Communications – Interface with the wider world / internal communications / website / newsletter 

SubSoil | Underground Community of Practice – experiential, highly participative, trans-local and place-based local community of practice and membership platform

Substratum | Semi-autonomous Pods /Circles –  Experimental projects hosted by stewards from the ten community

​Bedrock | Organismal Culture / Bone Structure – Shared Mythologies / Fundaments / Processes

Dung Beetles Project Description

Dung Beetles Project Description

Dung Beetles [ten artifacts] In 2022 ten invited seven incredible people from around the world to come together and lead the work for nine months. They served in a role we affectionately dubbed the “Dung Beetles” since the idea was that they would be rolling around...

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Dung Beetles: Working Groups

Dung Beetles: Working Groups

Dung Beetles [ten artifacts] In 2022 ten invited seven incredible people from around the world to come together and lead the work for nine months. They served in a role we affectionately dubbed the “Dung Beetles” since the idea was that they would be rolling around...

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Dung Beetles: Offerings on the Shrine of Lostness

Dung Beetles: Offerings on the Shrine of Lostness

Dung Beetles [ten artifacts] In 2022 ten invited seven incredible people from around the world to come together and lead the work for nine months. They served in a role we affectionately dubbed the “Dung Beetles” since the idea was that they would be rolling around...

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Dung Beetles: ten Concept Note 2023

Dung Beetles: ten Concept Note 2023

Dung Beetles [ten artifacts] In 2022 ten invited seven incredible people from around the world to come together and lead the work for nine months. They served in a role we affectionately dubbed the “Dung Beetles” since the idea was that they would be rolling around...

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